Read our analysis of topical issues that affect our clients from our articles, blogs, and responses to public consultations.
Le Patourel v BT: has the CAT overvalued BT’s brand?
Despite finding that BT charged excessive prices under LIMB 1 of United Brands, the CAT concluded that the prices were not unfair in and of themselves, under LIMB 2, in large part because BT’s ‘Gives’ and brand value provided distinctive ‘economic value’ to its customers. The CAT’s treatment of BT’s brand value warrants reflection, as it is likely to have double counted the allowance for brand value across the two limbs of United Brands and assigned an implausibly high value to BT’s brand. Read more
A response to Ofgem’s consultation on frameworks for future systems and network regulation
We repost our response to Ofgem’s consultation on frameworks for future systems and network regulation. This response considers how changes to the regulatory framework might affect the financial environment for energy companies, their financing decisions, and the expected returns required to compensate their investors for changes to their level of risk. Read more
Trumping the US card giants: can Britcoin improve competition in retail payments?
The BoE's digital pound consultation signals a move by the BoE into retail payment systems that could put it head to head with Visa and Mastercard. Kairos Economics has responded to the consultation, highlighting the potential benefits of a digital pound for competition in payments and some key challenges for the BoE to work through, if it is to realise these benefits. Read more
Don’t throw the baby out with the (Thames) bath water
Is our model for the supply of water broken? At Kairos Economics we consider that answers to the current financing challenges lie not in the scrapping of the UK’s current regulatory framework for network financing, but in important changes to its implementation. We also highlight the benefits of mandatory public listing requirements across regulated networks, which could form part of the solution. Read more
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